Oh My God! This Format is Freaking Boring! Nothing New, Nothing Fun, Nothing Exciting!
Yes, Six Samurai might be New, but its No Fun At All! Random Beatdown? With a Small Synchro Engine and Loops. Thats all?
I'm Gonna MST Dat Gateway!
Muahaha! I've my 2nd One!
Muahahaha! I've my 2nd MST too!
Muahahhaha! But I've have my 3rd Gateway! So sorry that MST in Only in 2!
Muahahahaha! DUST TORNATO FTW!
I bet that Guy is going to throw his Samurai Deck Away. And if I can, I'll grab his Deck and Sell it since so many people is "SO DESPO!" for Samurai.
*Warning* Above Are All Craps!
Well, Samurai Ain't New.
And I'm now Enjoying Some Traditional Deck. I'm Even Running Deck with the March 2008 Ban-List. Yeah, I'm Hella Mad.
March 2008's Undead Lords (Zombiesworn) is Totally a Mad Deck. With 2 Card of the Safe Return I'm seriously drawing more than what I've milled.
Yeah, I'm Hella Mad (For the 2nd Time).
I'm even playing the Synchro Dark Armed (Rescue Cat Variant). Out of Sudden, a Dark Armed Dragon Pop'ed out is Too Fun! Top Decking Dark Armed Dragon for 3 Turns is Even Better.
Summon Dark Armed Dragon! Priority! Remove a Dark and Destroy Your Monster! Direct
Down by 2800.
My Turn! Smashing Ground! Summon Monster! Direct! Muahaha You've Lost your Dark Armed Dragon!
I don't care, Draw! *Slam the Field with the Card I drew* I Drew Dark Armed Dragon #2! Summon It! Priority! And Direct!
Down by 5600 In Total.
You #@$%#&$#@#$% Top Decker! Draw! But...... Lightning Vortex! Discard The Fabled Ganshia! Special Summon it! Direct!
Now you've lost your 2nd Dark Armed!
I Don't Give a Fk'ing Care! Draw! You're Totally Doomed! Dark Armed Dragon #3! Prio-!
*Grab Deck and Run*
But Forgot his Graveyard Cards, so I've earned a Smashing Ground and a Breaker :D
Anyways, crapping is fun. Same goes to trying Traditional Decks and Decks with the past Ban-List. Enjoy the Past Format is Fun, and for new Players, its a good thing to give Old Decks a Try, since you can gain knowledge about the past decks and you'll know why those Banned Cards are Banned.
Yeah, cause they're Broken. Stop Blamming!
Gonna End This Crap Here :D
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Emperor Debris-Hime
Emperor Debris-Hime
Monsters: [27]
[3] Machine Emperor Wisel Infinity
[3] Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
[3] Debris Dragon
[3] Mystic Tomato
[3] Ryko Lightsworn Hunter
[2] D-Hero Diabolic Guy
[2] Dandylion
[2] Lonefire Blossom
[1] Dark Armed Dragon
[1] Armageddon Knight
[1] Sangan
[1] Zombie Carrier
[1] Spore
[1] Grow-Up Bulb
Spells: [9]
[3] Pot of Avarice
[1] Charge of Light Brigade
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Foolish Burial
[1] Giant Trunade
[1] Cold Wave
Traps: [4]
[3] Royal Decree
[1] Torrential Tribute
How to Play? Easy. Black Rose -> Drop Wisel -> Deal 2500 -> Set Decree -> Spell Trap Lock.
What about monster? Kikoutei (Machine Emperor) can overpower them easily.
Short Post, just end it!
Monsters: [27]
[3] Machine Emperor Wisel Infinity
[3] Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
[3] Debris Dragon
[3] Mystic Tomato
[3] Ryko Lightsworn Hunter
[2] D-Hero Diabolic Guy
[2] Dandylion
[2] Lonefire Blossom
[1] Dark Armed Dragon
[1] Armageddon Knight
[1] Sangan
[1] Zombie Carrier
[1] Spore
[1] Grow-Up Bulb
Spells: [9]
[3] Pot of Avarice
[1] Charge of Light Brigade
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Foolish Burial
[1] Giant Trunade
[1] Cold Wave
Traps: [4]
[3] Royal Decree
[1] Torrential Tribute
How to Play? Easy. Black Rose -> Drop Wisel -> Deal 2500 -> Set Decree -> Spell Trap Lock.
What about monster? Kikoutei (Machine Emperor) can overpower them easily.
Short Post, just end it!
Friday, November 19, 2010
No Gate No Game!
Six Samurai, after my testing on this so-called-tier 0 Deck. I realize the core of the deck is actually Gateway of the Six.
Gateway is just like a Black Whirlwind or Dragon Canyon to them but its more explosive.
Six Samurai is a very strong deck but if sided properly against it, it ain't a problem at all. But you're playing the match at the risk of losing game 1.
People said Six Samurai is the Tele-DAD for this format, its half true half false.
Its not really a Tele-DAD this format, is true that True Six Samurai had something that Tele-DAD has but in the same time, True Six Samurai also don't have something Tele-DAD had.
Six Samurai has the Explosive power that Tele-DAD is holding but they don't have card that can turn a whole match around just by 1 top-decking.
Everyone should know that Dark Armed Dragon is the main card of Tele DAD, top-decking it might turn the whole match around and as for Six Samurai their core card is Gateway of the Six but that card isn't going to change the game around after top-decking it.
And also every card in Tele-DAD has explosive power but as for Six Samurai they need at least 3 - 4 cards to develop an explosive push or OTK.
But the similarity between this 2 deck is they had the explosive power for an OTK Deck, a good hand that'll lead to an instant win.
Everyone knew that as for Tele-DAD opening with Dark Grepher, DAD, E-Tele, Zombie/Malicious is already an instant win. Dark Grepher throw both Zombie and Malicious -> E-Tele Krebons -> Synchro for Level 6 (Brionac), Special Malicious or Zombie, special Dark Armed Dragon, special Zombie or Malicious and Synchro for Red Daemon Dragon and push for Game.
And as for Six Samurai, they had the same thing. Double Gateway + Random Six Samurai is already a win. activate 2 Gateyway, for every summon you get to search a Six Samurai, just flood your field with 3 Kizan, 1 Grandmaster, 1 Random Six Samurai monster and give it a 1000 Atk boost. Attack for Game.
But once a Dust Tornado/Mystical Space Typhoon/Twister appear its a Combo Fail.
But Tele-DAD is different. Every single monster already had explosive power. No matter what the user will find a way for Dark Armed Dragon to appear and push for 2800 at least, after 2 or 3 turn your opponent will die if they don't get rid that Dark Armed Dragon quickly.
Even if they manage to get rid Dark Armed Dragon, the deck still had Synchro Engine as Backup. Getting a Stardust onto the field make the user nearly invincible unless his opponent gets to summon a Dark End Dragon or something.
So yeah, Six Samurai is a Half Tele-DAD, remember that. Nothing to be scared of, just destroy their first summon or Gateway no matter what and you'll be save from OTK only. Remember its OTK only, they still got their chance to win but not OTK. But if they can't OTK, here's your chance, gather resources and start pushing. The longer you stall you might be in danger.
Tired of Typing.
Bye Guys ^^
Gateway is just like a Black Whirlwind or Dragon Canyon to them but its more explosive.
Six Samurai is a very strong deck but if sided properly against it, it ain't a problem at all. But you're playing the match at the risk of losing game 1.
People said Six Samurai is the Tele-DAD for this format, its half true half false.
Its not really a Tele-DAD this format, is true that True Six Samurai had something that Tele-DAD has but in the same time, True Six Samurai also don't have something Tele-DAD had.
Six Samurai has the Explosive power that Tele-DAD is holding but they don't have card that can turn a whole match around just by 1 top-decking.
Everyone should know that Dark Armed Dragon is the main card of Tele DAD, top-decking it might turn the whole match around and as for Six Samurai their core card is Gateway of the Six but that card isn't going to change the game around after top-decking it.
And also every card in Tele-DAD has explosive power but as for Six Samurai they need at least 3 - 4 cards to develop an explosive push or OTK.
But the similarity between this 2 deck is they had the explosive power for an OTK Deck, a good hand that'll lead to an instant win.
Everyone knew that as for Tele-DAD opening with Dark Grepher, DAD, E-Tele, Zombie/Malicious is already an instant win. Dark Grepher throw both Zombie and Malicious -> E-Tele Krebons -> Synchro for Level 6 (Brionac), Special Malicious or Zombie, special Dark Armed Dragon, special Zombie or Malicious and Synchro for Red Daemon Dragon and push for Game.
And as for Six Samurai, they had the same thing. Double Gateway + Random Six Samurai is already a win. activate 2 Gateyway, for every summon you get to search a Six Samurai, just flood your field with 3 Kizan, 1 Grandmaster, 1 Random Six Samurai monster and give it a 1000 Atk boost. Attack for Game.
But once a Dust Tornado/Mystical Space Typhoon/Twister appear its a Combo Fail.
But Tele-DAD is different. Every single monster already had explosive power. No matter what the user will find a way for Dark Armed Dragon to appear and push for 2800 at least, after 2 or 3 turn your opponent will die if they don't get rid that Dark Armed Dragon quickly.
Even if they manage to get rid Dark Armed Dragon, the deck still had Synchro Engine as Backup. Getting a Stardust onto the field make the user nearly invincible unless his opponent gets to summon a Dark End Dragon or something.
So yeah, Six Samurai is a Half Tele-DAD, remember that. Nothing to be scared of, just destroy their first summon or Gateway no matter what and you'll be save from OTK only. Remember its OTK only, they still got their chance to win but not OTK. But if they can't OTK, here's your chance, gather resources and start pushing. The longer you stall you might be in danger.
Tired of Typing.
Bye Guys ^^
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Storm of the Six Samurai! Epic Format!
Surfed Blogs and Website around and found that people are posting Six Samurai here and there. Although I don't really like Six Samurai but after hearing (reading) those post by the others I feel like giving Six Samurai a try.
But its sad that I sold all my Gateway of the Six to Karl once I pulled them out. Only sold 2 copy cause I only pulled 2 from 3 Extra Pack Volume 3 Box.
And I got a call from Karl few days ago and he ask me that did I have any Gateway left cause he need them. I answer him that I sold him all my copies already and asked him to recall.
I asked him why he need them and he told me that he "ACCIDENTLY" sold them off......
Okay, right now I'm both love and hate Six Samurai. I love them cause they seems fun to play with and I hate them cause Warrior is always not my style. I love cool feature example like Dragons, Demons, cool stuffs. Warrior sounds blek.
Guess is time to prepare some Trap Hole in the Side Deck to counter Six Samurai =D
Mike (Dueling Legacy) mentioned that Six Samurai can play Double Summon which make them don't fear that their first summon was a fail. Yes its a good idea but they'll lost 1 hand card, Butttt they can gain them back later with United or Gateway. So Six Samurai isn't really to counter.
I guess I should build Perfect Herald already by now cause Perfect Herald is the only deck I can think of to counter those Six Samurai.
Activate Gateway! Drop a Fairy! United! Drop a Fairy! Just Trading my 1 card for yours.
Or even better. Drop a Kristya and Herald first turn. Kickass. Tech in 1 - 2 copy of Sky Scourge Invincil is even better, they opened with 2 Gateway 1 United 1 Kizan 1 Random Six Samurai Monster and 1 Giant Trunade. Haha Good Hand but when try to activate can't cause Invincil locks them all.
And as for Storm of Ragnarok (STOR), I guess Konami gave a wrong name this time. Storm of Ragging Samurai should be the name =D
But I'll just let those guys enjoy with their Samurai, and when the March ban-list comes, who will hit the ban-hammer? Obviously not my BF cause "Some Deck" is going replace them from hitting by the Ban-Hammer!
As usual, a Random Post cause Bored :P
Bye ^^
But its sad that I sold all my Gateway of the Six to Karl once I pulled them out. Only sold 2 copy cause I only pulled 2 from 3 Extra Pack Volume 3 Box.
And I got a call from Karl few days ago and he ask me that did I have any Gateway left cause he need them. I answer him that I sold him all my copies already and asked him to recall.
I asked him why he need them and he told me that he "ACCIDENTLY" sold them off......
Okay, right now I'm both love and hate Six Samurai. I love them cause they seems fun to play with and I hate them cause Warrior is always not my style. I love cool feature example like Dragons, Demons, cool stuffs. Warrior sounds blek.
Guess is time to prepare some Trap Hole in the Side Deck to counter Six Samurai =D
Mike (Dueling Legacy) mentioned that Six Samurai can play Double Summon which make them don't fear that their first summon was a fail. Yes its a good idea but they'll lost 1 hand card, Butttt they can gain them back later with United or Gateway. So Six Samurai isn't really to counter.
I guess I should build Perfect Herald already by now cause Perfect Herald is the only deck I can think of to counter those Six Samurai.
Activate Gateway! Drop a Fairy! United! Drop a Fairy! Just Trading my 1 card for yours.
Or even better. Drop a Kristya and Herald first turn. Kickass. Tech in 1 - 2 copy of Sky Scourge Invincil is even better, they opened with 2 Gateway 1 United 1 Kizan 1 Random Six Samurai Monster and 1 Giant Trunade. Haha Good Hand but when try to activate can't cause Invincil locks them all.
And as for Storm of Ragnarok (STOR), I guess Konami gave a wrong name this time. Storm of Ragging Samurai should be the name =D
But I'll just let those guys enjoy with their Samurai, and when the March ban-list comes, who will hit the ban-hammer? Obviously not my BF cause "Some Deck" is going replace them from hitting by the Ban-Hammer!
As usual, a Random Post cause Bored :P
Bye ^^
Tested Deck With My Sporelord
Yesterday I have tested my deck with friends about my new style of Sporelord . ( deck cannot review yet )
Sporelord vs Machiner
Quite a hard compete deck with , because machina can easily swamp all the monster in like 2-3 round. But normally System Down can cursed them deep shyt .
Sporelord vs BlackWing
Through my opinion i think BlackWing is the easiest deck battle with sporeload cause sporelord can side Holy Light and have Royal Degree inside this deck and most probably Sporelord can quick swamp Synchro Monster much more faster than BlackWing .
Nothing to write left , cause my friend didnt show his skill -.-
Sporelord vs Machiner
Quite a hard compete deck with , because machina can easily swamp all the monster in like 2-3 round. But normally System Down can cursed them deep shyt .
Sporelord vs BlackWing
Through my opinion i think BlackWing is the easiest deck battle with sporeload cause sporelord can side Holy Light and have Royal Degree inside this deck and most probably Sporelord can quick swamp Synchro Monster much more faster than BlackWing .
Nothing to write left , cause my friend didnt show his skill -.-
Friday, November 5, 2010
Formula sounds fun to be played at other Decks.

Formula Synchron
200 / 1500
1 Tuner + 1 non-Tuner Monster
When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can draw 1 card. During your opponent's Main Phase, you can Synchro Summon if you use this face-up card as a Synchro Material Monster.
My Point of View :
The first Synchro-Tuner released in the Yu-Gi-Oh! History (Don't includes Bruno's one).
This card basically summoned out then draw 1 card, Synchron Summon (Yours or Your opponent's turn). Don't sounds very interesting?
But...... this "not interesting effect" had a very strong power behind it if used correctly.
But! All these are not what I'm gonna say today.
My point today is! What deck that had the possibility to summon Formula Synchron!
Heres some Deck that confirm use Formula Synchron :
1. Quick-Dandy (Quickdraw Dandy Warrior)
2. Debris-Hime
3. Frog Monarch
4. SporeLords (DandySworn)
5. Fish
Those deck above are the decks that can uses Formula Synchron without any consistency problems.
And now here are the Decks that can "MAYBE" use Formula Synchron :
1. Infernity (I manage to summon ONCE!)
Mirage + Avenger
Only summon if had no other Infernity in grave and Mirage appears to be a Dead Draw. But not recommended.
2. Machiner
Grow-Up Bulb + Machiner Emperor Grannel
Only can be done if your Grannel's Atk is very low.
3. Scrap
Same with Machiner.
4. X-Saber
Palumo/Grow-Up Bulb + Ragigura
A very fun things to do but X-Saber had a very powerful search engine which don't need any draw engine to help them getting any combo pieces to hand at all.
To tell the truth, I actually made this post because I'm bored and trying to find something to had fun with. I'll test out those Possible myself and see if they works. Who knows? Maybe with those sudden another Top Deck might or might not pop out. Who knows?
Have Fun Guys ^^
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Gravekeeper Beatdown and Hamster Monarch!
Just went to Pojo and a friend of mine there showed me a Tourney Report. He was using a Gravekeeper Deck and got himself above Top 4 (If not mistaken, either 4 or 2 :P), he basically uses a Gravekeeper with Caius, Sin Stardust Dragon, Flamvell Magacian, Krebons.
Basically a more Beatdown Type of Gravekeeper with Synchros and Monarch. I read his whole deck list and found it very interesting and can be tuned into a Stardust Buster Deck if made some twist on it.
And from his tourney report, I realize he don't really use Krebons lol. That guy basically got a picture of the deck list the morning he woke up and went to the tourney early and borrowed cards from friends and started to work out.
From his report, he fought 1 BF, 1 Dragon, 2 Frog Monarch and 1 Quick-Machiner (Machiner with Quickdraws LOL). He beat all of them except for the Quick-Machiner.
It was pretty funny and out of a sudden I figured out a weird idea about this!
Monsters: [26]
[3] Caius the Shadow Monarch
[3] Raiza the Storm Monarch
[2] Mobius the Frost Monarch
[2] Jinzo
[3] Super-Nimble Mega Hamster
[3] Ryko Lightsworn Hunter
[2] X-Saber Airbellum
[2] Battle Fader
[1] Neo-Spacian Dark Panther
[1] Sangan
[1] Elefun
[1] Plaguespreader Zombie//Zombie Carrier
[1] Grow-Up Bulb
[1] Treeborn Frog
Spells: [12]
[3] Soul Exchange
[2] Enemy Controller
[1] Mind Control
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Charge of the Light Brigade
[2] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Giant Trunade
[1] Cold Wave
Traps: [3]
[3] Royal Decree
Total : 41 (Randomly typed this thing out and got this number)
The Deck can play Trishula together with Formula, Shooting Star Dragon, Scar-Red Nova Dragon. But 1 is enough cause I don't think you can summon more than 1 copy of those "God Standard" monster.
The Deck is basically just for fun! Don't bring it to a Big Sized Tourney and then result came out scooped totally and blame me. I'm not the one to blame! Blame yourself for not noticing this message and of course if you topped with that, give some credits.
Just get a piece of paper and a pen, write down this link "xduelingbrotherx.blogspot.com" Remove the (") and tell them that here's your source will do.
But I don't think that'll happen cause this deck is just for the intention for fun ^^
And finally, Have Fun Guys ^^
Basically a more Beatdown Type of Gravekeeper with Synchros and Monarch. I read his whole deck list and found it very interesting and can be tuned into a Stardust Buster Deck if made some twist on it.
And from his tourney report, I realize he don't really use Krebons lol. That guy basically got a picture of the deck list the morning he woke up and went to the tourney early and borrowed cards from friends and started to work out.
From his report, he fought 1 BF, 1 Dragon, 2 Frog Monarch and 1 Quick-Machiner (Machiner with Quickdraws LOL). He beat all of them except for the Quick-Machiner.
It was pretty funny and out of a sudden I figured out a weird idea about this!
Monsters: [26]
[3] Caius the Shadow Monarch
[3] Raiza the Storm Monarch
[2] Mobius the Frost Monarch
[2] Jinzo
[3] Super-Nimble Mega Hamster
[3] Ryko Lightsworn Hunter
[2] X-Saber Airbellum
[2] Battle Fader
[1] Neo-Spacian Dark Panther
[1] Sangan
[1] Elefun
[1] Plaguespreader Zombie//Zombie Carrier
[1] Grow-Up Bulb
[1] Treeborn Frog
Spells: [12]
[3] Soul Exchange
[2] Enemy Controller
[1] Mind Control
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Charge of the Light Brigade
[2] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Giant Trunade
[1] Cold Wave
Traps: [3]
[3] Royal Decree
Total : 41 (Randomly typed this thing out and got this number)
The Deck can play Trishula together with Formula, Shooting Star Dragon, Scar-Red Nova Dragon. But 1 is enough cause I don't think you can summon more than 1 copy of those "God Standard" monster.
The Deck is basically just for fun! Don't bring it to a Big Sized Tourney and then result came out scooped totally and blame me. I'm not the one to blame! Blame yourself for not noticing this message and of course if you topped with that, give some credits.
Just get a piece of paper and a pen, write down this link "xduelingbrotherx.blogspot.com" Remove the (") and tell them that here's your source will do.
But I don't think that'll happen cause this deck is just for the intention for fun ^^
And finally, Have Fun Guys ^^
Monday, November 1, 2010
HappyLoo’s 31st October 2010 Tourney Report (Malaysia 2nd Open)
Note : This is a shorten version of Tourney Report I posted on the other Forums/Webs......
*Cut all the Craps*
Deck Used : Whirlwind Black Feather
Match 1 vs Machiner
Round 1 : Dark Armed Dragon with Brionac FTW!
Round 2 : Icarus him till he empty and Ends the Game with Gale.
Match 2 vs Quick-Dandy
Round 1 : Pure Beatdown wins me Game.
Round 2 : Oppression with Solemn Warning FTW!
Match 3 vs Whirlwind Black Feather
Round 1 : His Aggro build beat my Control Build.
Round 2 : He Side in Solidarity and Killed me Completely.
Match 4 vs Spellcaster Slow Burn with Stall
Round 1 : Wait for Icarus and destroyed his Stall cards then Win.
Round 2 : Exploded with a Huge BF Swarm.
Match 5 vs Whirlwind Black Feather
Round 1 : I torture Him.
Round 2 : He Torture Me.
Round 3 : BF Top Deck War, I kill him First.
Match 6 vs Whirlwind Black Feather (Ivan)
Round 1 : BF Top Deck War, He Kill me First.
Round 2 : Another Top Deck War, He Kill me First AGAIN!
Result : 7th from that Swiss Game.
Prize I Got : Nothing but 4 Win 2 Lose.
Note : This is a shorten version of Tourney Report I posted on the other Forums/Webs......
*Cut all the Craps*
Deck Used : Whirlwind Black Feather
Match 1 vs Machiner
Round 1 : Dark Armed Dragon with Brionac FTW!
Round 2 : Icarus him till he empty and Ends the Game with Gale.
Match 2 vs Quick-Dandy
Round 1 : Pure Beatdown wins me Game.
Round 2 : Oppression with Solemn Warning FTW!
Match 3 vs Whirlwind Black Feather
Round 1 : His Aggro build beat my Control Build.
Round 2 : He Side in Solidarity and Killed me Completely.
Match 4 vs Spellcaster Slow Burn with Stall
Round 1 : Wait for Icarus and destroyed his Stall cards then Win.
Round 2 : Exploded with a Huge BF Swarm.
Match 5 vs Whirlwind Black Feather
Round 1 : I torture Him.
Round 2 : He Torture Me.
Round 3 : BF Top Deck War, I kill him First.
Match 6 vs Whirlwind Black Feather (Ivan)
Round 1 : BF Top Deck War, He Kill me First.
Round 2 : Another Top Deck War, He Kill me First AGAIN!
Result : 7th from that Swiss Game.
Prize I Got : Nothing but 4 Win 2 Lose.
Malaysia 2010 2nd Open (MrWeiJing)
Sorry for being inactive for a long time because im busying on my study :P
But today, I'm going to post about my tourney report.
1st Round : Me (Sporelord) vs Pink Shirt Dude (LightBeat)(win)
This dude is abit of uncontroltable or something , his word was like " call judge , call judge " but I have some mistake so i have lost the match with a bad mood :D
2nd Round : Me(Sporelord)(win) vs A Dude with is New on X-Saber (X-Saber)
I can say that he was blur or don't know the card or something , best word to describe "BLUR".
3rd Round : Me(Sporelord) vs (BlackWing)
This match I think it was the easier match among every match I play during that day :D My Sporelord purely pawn that guy BlackWing without using any Holylight ...WTF , Sporelord win BlackWing without "HOLYLIGHT" WTH . Sporelord FTW!!!
4th Round : Me(SporeLord) vs Azrul(Machina)
This dude play pretty well in Machina , not to say pro but stable , he pawn me with destiny draw and the 2nd round my System Down and Judgment Dragon was stack together on bottom of my deck. Oh My God!!! My main using card was on bottom of my deck, how the hell @.@ (CONFUSING)
5th Round : Me(Sporelord) vs (Magician)
I used 3 round to "KAO TIM" this guy , I don't know why , my Judgment Dragon love me so much in this match . This guy defence was pretty well , i keep try to break his defend in the second round , but keep fail , but luckily my Dust Tornado that I side came out from the last minute , I got 3 synchro monster was stuck because of the stupid Limit Area B .
6th Round: Me(Sporelod) vs (QuickDraw Plant) ShootingStar-> yugioh mamak forum name.
1st round i win easily, second round i pawned by him easily , last round was like we are the last player there , and Joshua(the head judge) told us and who life point goes lower that mean lose but our life point was 8000-8000 and I got Shooting Star Dragon , Judgment Dragon , Celestia on my field but at last me manage to Synchro Junk Destroyer and Titania to "successfully" cut my life point down ( but havent lose yet) .
The Champion Proudly is Michael .
That all i know about it .
Thanks more post coming up next ,
But today, I'm going to post about my tourney report.
1st Round : Me (Sporelord) vs Pink Shirt Dude (LightBeat)(win)
This dude is abit of uncontroltable or something , his word was like " call judge , call judge " but I have some mistake so i have lost the match with a bad mood :D
2nd Round : Me(Sporelord)(win) vs A Dude with is New on X-Saber (X-Saber)
I can say that he was blur or don't know the card or something , best word to describe "BLUR".
3rd Round : Me(Sporelord) vs (BlackWing)
This match I think it was the easier match among every match I play during that day :D My Sporelord purely pawn that guy BlackWing without using any Holylight ...WTF , Sporelord win BlackWing without "HOLYLIGHT" WTH . Sporelord FTW!!!
4th Round : Me(SporeLord) vs Azrul(Machina)
This dude play pretty well in Machina , not to say pro but stable , he pawn me with destiny draw and the 2nd round my System Down and Judgment Dragon was stack together on bottom of my deck. Oh My God!!! My main using card was on bottom of my deck, how the hell @.@ (CONFUSING)
5th Round : Me(Sporelord) vs (Magician)
I used 3 round to "KAO TIM" this guy , I don't know why , my Judgment Dragon love me so much in this match . This guy defence was pretty well , i keep try to break his defend in the second round , but keep fail , but luckily my Dust Tornado that I side came out from the last minute , I got 3 synchro monster was stuck because of the stupid Limit Area B .
6th Round: Me(Sporelod) vs (QuickDraw Plant) ShootingStar-> yugioh mamak forum name.
1st round i win easily, second round i pawned by him easily , last round was like we are the last player there , and Joshua(the head judge) told us and who life point goes lower that mean lose but our life point was 8000-8000 and I got Shooting Star Dragon , Judgment Dragon , Celestia on my field but at last me manage to Synchro Junk Destroyer and Titania to "successfully" cut my life point down ( but havent lose yet) .
The Champion Proudly is Michael .
That all i know about it .
Thanks more post coming up next ,
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